10 Keys To Becoming Great - Secret #2
Secret #2: Develop a Niche - Decide What You Can Be The Best At and What You Cannot Be The Best At
In order to stand out from the pack, it is essential that you establish yourself as an expert in one aspect of the fitness field. In other words, you need to develop a niche. For example, if you have been successful in helping individuals look better by creating nutrition and exercise programs that work, develop a body transformation program or work with the obese population. If your strength is working in a rehabilitation type setting, focus on clients with low back or shoulder pain or develop a pre or post-surgery rehab program. Too often trainers try and focus on becoming a jack of all trades while wasting significant amounts of their time and energy. Focus on what you are passionate about, learn everything you possibly can about it and decrease the amount of time spent on things that don’t support your chosen area of expertise.
This article is a part of "10 Keys To Becoming Great: How Utilizing The Techniques Of The Best Trainers Can Dramatically Improve Your Personal and Financial Success" and was reproduced with permission from Dr. Evan Osar of Fitness Education Seminars.
In order to stand out from the pack, it is essential that you establish yourself as an expert in one aspect of the fitness field. In other words, you need to develop a niche. For example, if you have been successful in helping individuals look better by creating nutrition and exercise programs that work, develop a body transformation program or work with the obese population. If your strength is working in a rehabilitation type setting, focus on clients with low back or shoulder pain or develop a pre or post-surgery rehab program. Too often trainers try and focus on becoming a jack of all trades while wasting significant amounts of their time and energy. Focus on what you are passionate about, learn everything you possibly can about it and decrease the amount of time spent on things that don’t support your chosen area of expertise.
This article is a part of "10 Keys To Becoming Great: How Utilizing The Techniques Of The Best Trainers Can Dramatically Improve Your Personal and Financial Success" and was reproduced with permission from Dr. Evan Osar of Fitness Education Seminars.
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