10 Keys To Becoming Great - Secret #1
In order to set yourself apart and become an expert as a personal trainer, you must be willing to work for free. This may be the number one thing you can do to solidify yourself as a great trainer and separate yourself from all the other trainers. I am in no way suggesting you give sessions away for free or not take a salary. What I am suggesting is that you be willing to do the things that the other trainers are not willing to do. It is these small details that will make the greatest impact on your career. I have summarized a few of these ideas below.
If you have a client going to physical therapy, for chiropractic treatment, or to an orthopedic surgeon, plan on joining them. I have done this on innumerous occasions and my clients are thrilled that I gave up my time and went out of my way to be with them.
Volunteer for a local team, youth camp, community health center. When these individuals are looking for a trainer, speaker or fitness expert guess who they will call first. Not only will you be adding a valuable service to the organization, you never know what contacts you will meet in the process that will require your services in the future. For example, I have volunteered with one of the local dance companies for the past 4 years. I received 2 referrals from the head physical therapist of the program - each of these referrals have been consistent clients of mine for the past three years.
Regularly attend seminars, symposiums and lectures in the health and fitness industry. It always amazes me that so few trainers regularly attend continuing education courses. However, every great trainer I have ever met, regularly attend as many courses as they are able to.
Keep up with the latest information in your field. Subscribe to journals, newsletters, perform internet searches, and join other trainer’s web sites. Read articles from business, marketing and sales books/journals as this information can often be applied directly or indirectly to the personal training industry. Make a commitment to reading at least something everyday that enables you to improve some aspect of your business.
This article is a part of "10 Keys To Becoming Great: How Utilizing The Techniques Of The Best Trainers Can Dramatically Improve Your Personal and Financial Success" and was reproduced with permission from Dr. Evan Osar of Fitness Education Seminars.
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