Evolving Fitness Pro

Providing The Knowledge & Resources To Go From Personal Trainer To Fitness Professional To Fitness Millionaire

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The 1st Annual Midwest Strength, Conditioning & Rehabilitation Symposium

On Saturday June 10th and Sunday June 11th I attended the 1st Annual Midwest Strength, Conditioning & Rehabilitation Symposium in Deerfield, Illinois. It was hosted by Fitness Education Seminars and let me tell you, it was awesome.

The array of presenters alone said excellence. This event was incredible as it combined cutting edge training and techniques along with a business twist for all sorts of fitness professionals. Let me share with you some of the highlight presentations that I enjoyed:

Saturday, June 10th
Juan Carlos Santana - Fit Moves for Sports
Evan Osar/Ed Flaherty - Improving Hip Rotation for Increased Performance
Juan Carlos Santana - Program Design
Tony Reynolds - Hybird Periodization: The Revolution of Program Design
Robert Selders - Training the Female Athlete
Craig Ballantyne - Fat Loss Using Turbulent Training

Sunday, June 11th
Sean Armstead - The Keys to Semi-Private and Group Training
Tiffany Crate - Learning to Hover: How to Attract and Maintain a Powerful Client List
Lee Taft - Multi-Directional Speed Training
John Jacobs - How to Financially Leverage Yourself as a Fitness Professional
Craig Ballantyne - Making Money Online: How to Become Financially Free With an Internet Website
Tony Reynolds - Millionaire Genesis: The Keys to Creating and Marketing Your Own Fitness Information Products
Brian Grasso - How to Become Financially Successful in the Youth Conditioning Industry

Tom Perkins of Fitness Industry Solutions was also scheduled to attend this major event and have a presentation entilted "Essential Fitness Business Success Checklist: The Keys to Becoming a Fitness Entrepreneur", but due to a car accident he was unable to attend. All of us in attendance wish Tom Perkins a speedy and healthy recovery. You are in our thoughts and have our prayers my friend.

I must say that this to date the premier event in the midwest. This is definately one to attend next year if you missed it and are in the midwest area. Evan Osar of Fitness Education Seminars did a great job in putting all of this together and all of our thanks are with you Evan.

So you may be asking, what's next? I'll tell you.

It's quite possibly the best event I ever attended in 2005, quite possibly ever thus far.

It's called the
Ryan Lee Bootcamp, and its the perfect mix of the training and business sides for fitness professionals.

Being an attendee of the last one myself, I can personally promise you that you will get more cutting edge training and business ideas from here than any other event you will attend in 2006.

Find out more about the 2006 Ryan Lee Bootcamp.

Always Evolve.
