Evolving Fitness Pro

Providing The Knowledge & Resources To Go From Personal Trainer To Fitness Professional To Fitness Millionaire

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Take 100% Responsibility For Your Fitness Business Success

If any of you have read The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, you'll understand this concept very well. In his book, the first principle of success is to become completely responsible for both your successes and failures in business and in life.

Let's face it, there are a lot of times when we want to blame someone or something else. It's a lot easier isn't it? But what does it lead to? It hardly ever gets anything done, and hardly ever gets you the outcomes you want. When it comes to a fitness business, we look at our success or lack of it and try to decide the influencing factors regarding it. If it is successful, we celebrate our marketing efforts, sales expertise and our skills as professionals of getting results for our clients. However, when things our business aren't so great, we tend to look at the season, the economy and of course our marketing efforts or lack thereof.

What Jack talks about in his book is something totally different. It is to become responsible for both. You are responsible for making your fitness business a success if it is one, and likewise, you are also responsible making it a failure. Just that concept alone is powerful. It sure makes you think differently about your fitness business doesn't it?

Many businesses have overcame great obstacles in the past. I'm sure you as well have or will face challenges in your business. We are in an industry where many enter yet only few truly survive to become great in this business. I believe a lot of that is chalked up to those fitness professionals who decide that their success lies soley in their own hands.

So how do you become 100% responsible for your fitness business success? Here are five areas that you can start owning responsibility for when it comes to your success:

Responsibility Area #1: Become aware of the skills that you need to succeed. Now obvioulsy we can't all be great at everything we do when it comes to the skills you need to succeed in your fitness business. No one ever said you had to be. But you need to become aware of what you are not good at and be responsible for still doing the things that you need to do to succeed. The single biggest thing that separates the great trainers from the trainers who just wish that they were great, is that the great trainers recognize exactly what they are the best at and they keep the focus on that. They delegate, outsource and hire other people to handle the projects and tasks that they do not excel in. Are you great at prospecting but not at selling? Are you great at training but not marketing? For those of you that are honestly a one person operation, there are resources out there that can help you. Stay tuned to this blog for more information on how to get those. Otherwise the best thing you can do for yourself and your business when it comes to the areas you need attention on is this: find people that play at the things that you struggle with.

Responsibility Area #2: Deliver excellent service to your clients. When it comes to a marketing perspective obviously referrals are a huge source of leads in the fitness business. What better way to own responsibility for your fitness business as a whole by delivering the best service in town? Reputation goes a long way. Always try to find ways to deliver more value to your clients and prospects.

Responsibility Area #3: Improve your communication skills. Whether someone else does your marketing, prospecting or even selling for you, a trainer can only become better with improved communication skills. No matter what your role, you should make it a goal to improve your communication skills for the sake of becoming a better trainer in your client's eyes at the very least. Instructing proper technique, principles and concepts requires great communication skills for the wide variety of personalities and backgrounds from the people that you encounter throughout your business. Take responsibility to become a trainer that is clear, understandable and able to relate to your clients.

Responsibility Area #4: Stay consistent and creative with your marketing efforts. No matter what the season is or the state of the economy, you should always remain consistent with your marketing and your efforts to become the "top of mind" fitness professional. If your business is starving for clients right now, take responsibility for it. Look at your marketing efforts and see where the gaps are and own up to it. If something isn't working, change it. If something is working, keep it and/or find ways that you can even improve it. The point is, if you are not busy, it is your responsibility to get busy on getting more clients and improving your marketing efforts.

Responsibility Area #5: Raise your integrity by taking action on your highest value activities. Become a person of action and get things done. When you say you will follow up with someone, do it. Stick to your word and do not let yourself slide. Show your clients that you do mean business and deliver to them the service and results that you promise them. Great trainers take responsibility in their businesses by looking at the activities that they do that deliver the greatest dollar value to them and they take focused, daily action towards it.

In short, you alone are responsible for your success in the fitness business, regardless of whether or not you are independent, in a club, or working with a team of trainers. Only you and you alone can own up to be responsible for your personal success and the success of your business. It is really that simple. Do what you need to do to step up to the plate and take charge if necessary. Keep focused and consistent and your efforts will definitely pay off. You'll soon also discover that your new found responsibility just might come with an increased income. Not a bad trade I'd say...

Always Evolve.
