Evolving Fitness Pro

Providing The Knowledge & Resources To Go From Personal Trainer To Fitness Professional To Fitness Millionaire

Sunday, July 30, 2006

10 Keys To Becoming Great - Secret #2

Secret #2: Develop a Niche - Decide What You Can Be The Best At and What You Cannot Be The Best At

In order to stand out from the pack, it is essential that you establish yourself as an expert in one aspect of the fitness field. In other words, you need to develop a niche. For example, if you have been successful in helping individuals look better by creating nutrition and exercise programs that work, develop a body transformation program or work with the obese population. If your strength is working in a rehabilitation type setting, focus on clients with low back or shoulder pain or develop a pre or post-surgery rehab program. Too often trainers try and focus on becoming a jack of all trades while wasting significant amounts of their time and energy. Focus on what you are passionate about, learn everything you possibly can about it and decrease the amount of time spent on things that don’t support your chosen area of expertise.

This article is a part of "10 Keys To Becoming Great: How Utilizing The Techniques Of The Best Trainers Can Dramatically Improve Your Personal and Financial Success" and was reproduced with permission from Dr. Evan Osar of Fitness Education Seminars.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

10 Keys To Becoming Great - Secret #1

Secret #1: Be Willing To Work For Free

In order to set yourself apart and become an expert as a personal trainer, you must be willing to work for free. This may be the number one thing you can do to solidify yourself as a great trainer and separate yourself from all the other trainers. I am in no way suggesting you give sessions away for free or not take a salary. What I am suggesting is that you be willing to do the things that the other trainers are not willing to do. It is these small details that will make the greatest impact on your career. I have summarized a few of these ideas below.

If you have a client going to physical therapy, for chiropractic treatment, or to an orthopedic surgeon, plan on joining them. I have done this on innumerous occasions and my clients are thrilled that I gave up my time and went out of my way to be with them.

Volunteer for a local team, youth camp, community health center. When these individuals are looking for a trainer, speaker or fitness expert guess who they will call first. Not only will you be adding a valuable service to the organization, you never know what contacts you will meet in the process that will require your services in the future. For example, I have volunteered with one of the local dance companies for the past 4 years. I received 2 referrals from the head physical therapist of the program - each of these referrals have been consistent clients of mine for the past three years.

Regularly attend seminars, symposiums and lectures in the health and fitness industry. It always amazes me that so few trainers regularly attend continuing education courses. However, every great trainer I have ever met, regularly attend as many courses as they are able to.

Keep up with the latest information in your field. Subscribe to journals, newsletters, perform internet searches, and join other trainer’s web sites. Read articles from business, marketing and sales books/journals as this information can often be applied directly or indirectly to the personal training industry. Make a commitment to reading at least something everyday that enables you to improve some aspect of your business.

This article is a part of "10 Keys To Becoming Great: How Utilizing The Techniques Of The Best Trainers Can Dramatically Improve Your Personal and Financial Success" and was reproduced with permission from Dr. Evan Osar of Fitness Education Seminars.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Joe Vitale Reveals His Secrets To Writing Hypnotic Sales Copy

One of the hardest things to do as a fitness professional, is to write copy from the mindset of a marketer. I'm sure it is one of the least favorite things to do, and many of us would gladly train a full days' worth of clients than be forced to sit in front of a computer screen trying to write compelling sales copy. But the ability to write capturing copy is so important, you use it on all of your marketing materials already and might not even know it. It's on your website, your flyers, your newsletters and maybe even on your business cards. If you don't or can't delegate it to someone that is good at it, your basically stuck doing it yourself.

If your in the fitness industry and you have a website that sells information products for you, I urge you to check out this event. Scott Colby is going to be interviewing internet marketing and copywriting legend Joe Vitale in a special teleseminar for fitness professionals about writing hypnotic sales copy. There is no date set yet for this event, as demand needs to be high enough in order for it to happen.

The best part is, you get to ask your question! Scott has set it up to where upon registering for the call that you also get to submit your biggest question in regards to writing hypnotic sales copy. This teleseminar is going to be great, I've heard Joe Vitale on several calls before and he's always overdelivered the information.

If you've been wanting to get into the inner workings of how to write great copy and perhaps have even been looking over some of the great courses and presenters out there on the subject, honestly look no further than Joe Vitale. This call will even make it more specific to our industry so I can't think of any better introduction to how to write great copy if you are new to it or want to get some more advice if you are looking to get better at it.

I mentioned earlier about definitely checking this call out if you have information products being sold on a website. Think about this... if you take only one thing from the call with Joe Vitale to use and increase your sales or conversion rate it will be well worth the time. If you are looking to get the most out of the call, be sure to ask your personal question upon registering that way you know that the specific information you are looking for will be covered during the call.

Scott Colby has been interviewing other business experts close to the fitness industry and beyond for some time now and has really delivered some of the top names in the game. I urge you to go over there now and register up for this call with Joe Vitale and make it happen.

Register now for the Joe Vitale interview on how to write hypnotic and compelling sales copy.

Always Evolve.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Special Offer On Jim Labadie's Ultimate Sales Kit

When it comes down to it, your fitness business is all about sales right? I mean, that is really the only source of generating revenue. If you are not selling, you are not making any money.

Sales in the fitness industry is important, but at the same time a lot of personal trainers and other fitness professionals find sales to be such a taboo topic and something that they literally hate and feel uncomfortable doing.

What if I told you, there was a system out there that made it so simple that you couldn't possibly fail at it, and that you could have prospects literally begging to train with you? Sounds too good to be true right? Well read on my friend...

Unless you are new to the fitness industry, I can only assume you've heard about Jim Labadie. He's a very successful fitness professional that owns and runs TrainAndGrowRich.com and is now only in the business of helping other fitness professionals achieve financial freedom in their fitness business. Basically he is a guy who walks his talk, and he is one of the best you'll find when it comes to selling and closing prospect for personal training.

The best part is, he has put together one hell of a deal on one of his best products that he has ever developed, his Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals. I'm telling you from personal experience that this product alone will teach you more about how to do sales successfully than you would ever learn from any certification organization. Quite simply, it is the real deal.

Jim Labadie is celebrating his new business venture with Ryan Lee by putting on this special offer. Originally, he made 98 copies of just his stripped down Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals available for $98. That offer was taken up to the max very quickly shortly after he made the announcement.

But luckily for anyone else who still has not got their hands on Jim Labadie's Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals, I wanted to play a part in helping you out. He's extend his offer now to an additional 128 copies at $128. I urge you from one fitness professional to another, and as one who has Jim Labadie's Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals, get it... it's just that damn good and worth it's weight in gold if you use it right.

Now what could you expect from implementing a sales process such as what Jim Labadie outlines in his product? Well let me just show you probably one of the greatest testimonials to the product that I have ever seen and am not surprised about it by any means.

"I'll make this as simple as possible: Using what I learned
in Jim Labadie's Ultimate Sales Kit I made $10,000 in 6 hours!"

Ken Roetman
Boca Raton, FL

Ken is just one of the many fitness professionals that has received increased sales due to Jim's outstanding information. I strongly urge you to at least visit the page below and check it out for yourself. Read some of the testimonials and make your own decision. Yes, those testimonials are real as I've met some of those very same people in person.

Jim Labadie's Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals just plain works, period.

Join the celebration and pick up a copy of Jim Labadie's
Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals right now before this offer is gone for good. I personally promise you won't regret it.

Always Evolve.
