Do You Deliver A Workout Or An Experience?
What do your clients walk away with after they had their training session with you?
Do they walk away from a workout? Or do they walk away with an experience?
Think about what your average client is paying you for. Then think about exactly what you are giving to them in the time spent with them. Are they really getting what they are paying for?
Now think about when you yourself are going in for a service. Say you are taking your family out to a nice dinner at your favorite restaurant. Why is it your favorite restaurant? Is it because of the food? The service? Maybe both?
Many times people do repeat business with those that they enjoy being with, even if it costs a little more. They feel they are getting more benefit for the money that they pay because of the experience of each time they do business with them.
When you have a bad experience with any service business, you are much more likely not to repeat business with them right?
Your clients are the same way. They think and act just like you do. What are you delivering to them that is different from what anyone else in the area can deliver? How are you making your clients' workout something more? How are you making it to become an experience so that they love coming back to you time and time again?
Let's go back one of the questions I posed to you earlier. Are your clients really getting what they are paying for? Obviously your clients are looking for results, what else are they looking for? Think of why they came to you in the first place, why they are already a paying client of yours. There must be some reason why they come back to you time and time again, other than results right?
Here are three actions you can take with each of your clients to ensure that you deliver an experience, not just a workout.
Experience Idea #1: Ask your clients why they come back to you time and time again. You can't really get more direct than that. There is nothing wrong with asking your clients why they continue to come back to you. In fact, you should be doing it with every one of your clients. What better way to know what your doing right already than to simply ask?
Experience Idea #2: Show that you genuinely care about their results and are putting in the effort needed on your part to show it. There is a saying that every fitness professional should know when it comes to their clients. I can promise you this quote is always going on in the back of their minds, even if they don't tell you. "I don't care how much you know until I know how much you care." Showing how much you care is so critical to not only to the success of your clients, but in separating you from everything else they have ever done. Trust me, when was the last time an Atkins diet book in itself cared for the results of a person looking to lose weight? It doesn't, but you do. Show it and your clients will love you for it.
Experience Idea #3: Treat them with the same respect and consideration that you would want if you were in their place. Every time I train a client I act as if that client is a close family member to me. Not only does that up the level of my care and concern for them, but it also improves my communication and ability to be sympathetic to their issues that need to be addressed when it comes to the training session. Now I'm not saying you need to let the training session turn into a counseling session, but you do need to treat your client the same way that you would want to be if you were the client yourself. You would want to be respected, motivated and guided properly through the process that will deliver you results too. Give them this common courtesy that isn't so common in this business.
It is really that easy. Ask your clients why they come back to you. Show them that you care and get them the results that they want. Treat them the same way you would want to be treated. It's common sense right? Look around you, realistically does your competition do this all the time? Why do you think there are so many things out there clients have tried? It does not always come down to whether or not they got results. It's because they didn't get the experience they were looking for along with those results.
You can go into any restaurant and get food. But think about why some restaurants are better than others. Is it really just the food? Or is it the food and the service that comes along with it?
I promise you, integrate these three simple principles into every session you have with your clients from now on, and you will see a difference. Most importantly, your clients will have an experience to walk away from. Now think about how that goes towards you getting more referrals in your fitness business. Delivering an experience to your clients can pay off in more ways than one.
Always Evolve.
Do they walk away from a workout? Or do they walk away with an experience?
Think about what your average client is paying you for. Then think about exactly what you are giving to them in the time spent with them. Are they really getting what they are paying for?
Now think about when you yourself are going in for a service. Say you are taking your family out to a nice dinner at your favorite restaurant. Why is it your favorite restaurant? Is it because of the food? The service? Maybe both?
Many times people do repeat business with those that they enjoy being with, even if it costs a little more. They feel they are getting more benefit for the money that they pay because of the experience of each time they do business with them.
When you have a bad experience with any service business, you are much more likely not to repeat business with them right?
Your clients are the same way. They think and act just like you do. What are you delivering to them that is different from what anyone else in the area can deliver? How are you making your clients' workout something more? How are you making it to become an experience so that they love coming back to you time and time again?
Let's go back one of the questions I posed to you earlier. Are your clients really getting what they are paying for? Obviously your clients are looking for results, what else are they looking for? Think of why they came to you in the first place, why they are already a paying client of yours. There must be some reason why they come back to you time and time again, other than results right?
Here are three actions you can take with each of your clients to ensure that you deliver an experience, not just a workout.
Experience Idea #1: Ask your clients why they come back to you time and time again. You can't really get more direct than that. There is nothing wrong with asking your clients why they continue to come back to you. In fact, you should be doing it with every one of your clients. What better way to know what your doing right already than to simply ask?
Experience Idea #2: Show that you genuinely care about their results and are putting in the effort needed on your part to show it. There is a saying that every fitness professional should know when it comes to their clients. I can promise you this quote is always going on in the back of their minds, even if they don't tell you. "I don't care how much you know until I know how much you care." Showing how much you care is so critical to not only to the success of your clients, but in separating you from everything else they have ever done. Trust me, when was the last time an Atkins diet book in itself cared for the results of a person looking to lose weight? It doesn't, but you do. Show it and your clients will love you for it.
Experience Idea #3: Treat them with the same respect and consideration that you would want if you were in their place. Every time I train a client I act as if that client is a close family member to me. Not only does that up the level of my care and concern for them, but it also improves my communication and ability to be sympathetic to their issues that need to be addressed when it comes to the training session. Now I'm not saying you need to let the training session turn into a counseling session, but you do need to treat your client the same way that you would want to be if you were the client yourself. You would want to be respected, motivated and guided properly through the process that will deliver you results too. Give them this common courtesy that isn't so common in this business.
It is really that easy. Ask your clients why they come back to you. Show them that you care and get them the results that they want. Treat them the same way you would want to be treated. It's common sense right? Look around you, realistically does your competition do this all the time? Why do you think there are so many things out there clients have tried? It does not always come down to whether or not they got results. It's because they didn't get the experience they were looking for along with those results.
You can go into any restaurant and get food. But think about why some restaurants are better than others. Is it really just the food? Or is it the food and the service that comes along with it?
I promise you, integrate these three simple principles into every session you have with your clients from now on, and you will see a difference. Most importantly, your clients will have an experience to walk away from. Now think about how that goes towards you getting more referrals in your fitness business. Delivering an experience to your clients can pay off in more ways than one.
Always Evolve.